The best way to predict that your future career will be glorious

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Peter Drucker. You may be in search of better analytical toolset for plant or animal genetics improvements. If so, what is your searching goal? As your peer, I sort of know what you are hoping for. It may be something like graduating sooner, getting …

What was your image of 21st century’s work style back in the 1990’s?

Fierce workers deserve more respect and rewards, but not always. If you are doing genetics, genomics, or whatever, take a look at practices of folks around and including you. How fierce we are at work. We come up with all possible brainstormed ideas and combat the status quo to demolish it down or push it …

Once phenomics works as dreamed, what challenges will come next?

In the novel titled 1984, George Orwell depicted that all people are living in surveillance of Big brother. As of this writing, we are living in a year, 38 years past 1984. We believe that Big brother is already around us in not stressful but amusing ways. You may argue, “Amusing ways? Are you kidding?” …

Above and beyond the status quo in modern computational genetics

“It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” Charles Darwin Although we tend to remember human being’s histories of having successfully …

QTLmax: a computing toolset for plant and animal genetics improvements

For plant and animal genetics improvement companies, genomic and phenotypic data are invaluable assets. Accordingly, the companies spend a hefty price for data collection and management. The only way to pay off their data-related costs is to take advantage of data through analyses that can lead to wise decision-making. With this in our mind, we …